Everyday Chef Contest – We Won Round 2! – Final Round Starting Now
Hey everybody! I just wanted to say thank you a million times over for all of your support in the Pacific Natural Foods Everyday Chef Contest. With your votes, my Enfrijoladas de Espinaca won round 2. It was really cool to see the recipes my fellow bloggers made, as well as all of the non-blogger entries. There were lots of delicious sounding dishes.
The final round of voting has already started. This one is a runoff between me and Elana's Pantry to see who wins a bootcamp at the French Culinary Institute. That would be an amazing opportunity for me. I would really appreciate it if you would vote again. You can vote every 24 hours through next Tuesday (10/12) if you are so inclined, and there is no need to register so it just takes a second. I'll be posting a daily reminder on the Herbivoracious facebook page as well.
Thank you all so much! Next week, back to our regularly scheduled recipes.
[Full disclosure: Pacific Natural Foods is an advertiser on my site, and provided products for me and the other bloggers participating in this contest]
Woo hoooo!! You, go, Michael. Here’s hoping you bring home the top prize.
Voted for you, good luck now!