Three basic cooking skills that will make every meal you prepare easier and more delicious.
A few weeks ago, out of the blue, Cristina from MaSeCa emailed me to see if I wanted to be in their 2011 calendar. I…
Michael Natkin, the author of, is writing a cookbook for Harvard Commons Press. You are invited to help test recipes and win prizes.
Hey everybody! I just wanted to say thank you a million times over for all of your support in the Pacific Natural Foods Everyday Chef…
An interview with Mark Bitterman, world-renowned expert on culinary salt
Answering these 3 easy questions will make planning vegetarian meals a breeze.
I'm got some commitments that will keep me from posting as many new recipes as usual for the next couple of weeks. I've been writing…
[CSN stores, which offers everything from cookware to kids beds has offered a nice kitchen scale to our readers; read through to the end to…
I’ve written previously about how Seattle is experiencing a resurgence of food carts. They have taken our culinary scene by storm, cooking up everything from…
Two cans of Pringles later, my studio was in ruins “Crunch is so universally appreciated that whenever I finish a recipe, I ask myself, ‘Is…