Book Tour Update – With Pictures!

I’m in the middle of a two week swing around the country to introduce my cookbook. It has been just an incredible trip so far. In the past week I’ve been to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin, DC, and now I’ve just landed in Boston and already done one signing. Everyone has been so kind and generous in showing me around their cities, talking about the book, and generally making me feel utterly welcome.

I haven’t been able to take too many photos, but here is a gallery of a few favorite moments. I know a lot of other folks have taken pictures at some of the events – if you have any, please share a link to them in the comments.

I’ll be out on the road for one more week, with events in Boston, Providence, Philadelphia and New York. Details below. Please come out if you can, it would be a pleasure to meet you!

Here are the upcoming events:

Sunday, May 6th – Boston, MA

Book signing at Volante Farms
262 Forest Street, Needham, MA, 10 AM – 12:30 PM

Book signing at Olivia Browning, 3-5 PM
20 City Square, Charlestown, MA 02129

How2Heroes Test Kitchen Event (for bloggers and media) 6-8pm

Monday, May 7th – Boston, MA

Demo & Book Signing at Trident Bookstore – 338 Newbury Street, 7-9pm

Tuesday, May 8th – Providence, RI

Book Signing at Bookstore on the Square, 7 PM
471 Angell Street at 7pm

Wednesday, May 9th – Philadelphia, PA

Event for bloggers and media at R2L, 6 PM
Two Liberty Place, 37th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102

Thursday, May 10th – New York City

Event for bloggers and media at Candle 79 5:30-7:30p
Candle 79 – 154 E. 79th St (at Lexington)

Friday, May 11th – Brooklyn

Event TBD.

Tuesday, Jun 19th – Seattle

Book signing and appetizer demo at  Book Larder, 6:30 PM

12 Replies to “Book Tour Update – With Pictures!”

    1. To the best of my knowledge it should be in bookstores in the UK now. If you don’t find it, you’ll be doing me a favor if you ask – it will be good for booksellers to know there is demand. Thanks, Michael.

  1. omg I’m on the blog! Great to see you at the beginning of your tour! I’ve been reading the book — so fabulous, as I knew it would be of course 🙂

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